Chair of Multimedia Telecommunications and Microelectronics
Publications 1993 – 1999

Publications 1999

International journals

  1. Marek Domański, Adam Łuczak, Sławomir Maćkowiak, Roger Świerczyński,
    MPEG-Based Scalable Video Codec with 3-D Subband Decomposition,
    Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences, Vol. 47, No. 3, Warsaw, Poland, 1999, pp. 247-253,
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International conferences

  1. Maciej Bartkowiak, Marek Domański,
    High compression of chrominance by use of information from luminance,
    Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, San Jose, USA, January 1999,
  2. Piotr Bartczak, Marek Domański, Kajetan Poprawski,
    A technique for automatic analysis of echocardiographic images,
    Proceedings of the XXII National Conference on Circuit Theory and Electronic Networks, Warszawa-Stare Jabłonki, Poland, 20-23 October 1999, pp. 461-466,
  3. Maciej Bartkowiak, Marek Domański,
    Intraframe and interframe compression of color video based on chrominance vector quantization,
    Proceedings of the XXII National Conference on Circuit Theory and Electronic Networks, Warszwa-Stare Jabłonki, Poland, 20-23 October 1999, pp. 515-520,
  4. Marek Domański, Adam Łuczak, Sławomir Maćkowiak,
    MPEG-2 Compatible Hierarchical Video Coders with B-frame Data Partitioning,
    6th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, Bratislava, Slovakia, 1999, pp. 34-37,
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  5. Jamal K. Abbas, Marek Domański,
    Vector nonlinear recursive filters for color image denoising,
    6th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2-4 June 1999,
  6. Marek Domański, Maciej Bartkowiak,
    Segmentation-based chrominance coding for very low bitrate coding,
    6th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2-4 June 1999, pp. 42-45,
  7. Jamal K. Abbas, Marek Domański,
    Adaptive motion-compensated filters for video restoration,
    Digital Signal Processing for Multimedia Communications and Services, Kraków, Poland, 24-26 June 1999,

National conferences

  1. Jamal K. Abbas, Marek Domański,
    Median-based three-dimensional filters for video denoising,
    IX Krajowe Sympozjum Nauk Radiowych, Poznań, Poland, 16-17 March 1999,
  2. Adam Łuczak, Sławomir Maćkowiak, Krzysztof Rakowski, Zbiegniew Szymański,
    System multimedialny dla telemedycyny,
    Poznańskie Warsztaty Telekomunikacyjne, Poznań, Poland, 9-10 December 1999,
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  3. Jamal K. Abbas, Marek Domański,
    Digital video restoration by use of nonlinear filters,
    Poznańskie Warsztaty Telekomunikacyjne PWT 99, Poznań, , 9-10 December 1999,
  4. Marek Domański, Krzysztof Rakowski,
    Bezstratna kompresja barwnych obrazów medycznych,
    Poznańskie Warsztaty Telekomunikacyjne, Poznań, Poland, 9-10 December 1999,


  1. Maciej Bartkowiak,
    Vector-Oriented Methods for Compression of Color Images and Video,
    PhD Dissertation at Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 1999,
    Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Marek Domański,

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Publications 1998


  1. Marek Domański,
    Zaawansowane techniki kompresji obrazów i sekwencji wizyjnych,
    (Advanced techniques for image and video compression),
    Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej, 1998, ISBN: 83-7143-030-2,

Book chapters

  1. Maciej Bartkowiak, Marek Domański,
    Chapter: Compression,
    Book: The Color Image Processing Handbook, Editors: Sangwine S.J., Horne R.E.N.,
    Chapman Hall, London, UK, 1998, ISBN: 0 412 80620 7,

International journals

  1. Marek Domański,
    Solution of nonlinear problems in multidimensional digital filters via circuit theoretical analogy,
    The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 1998, pp. ?-?,

International conferences

  1. Jamal K. Abbas, Marek Domański,
    Stable nonlinear filters with spatial prediction,
    Signal Processing IX: Theories and Applications, Athens, Greece, 1998, pp. 801-804,
  2. Jamal K. Abbas, Marek Domański,
    Nonlinear recursive filters for image processing,
    5th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing', Zagreb, Croatia, 3-5 June 1998, pp. 28-31,
  3. Maciej Bartkowiak, Marek Domański,
    An efficient technique for high-compression of chrominance data,
    5th Conference on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Borki, 18-22 May 1998, pp. 87-97,
  4. Maciej Bartkowiak, Marek Domański,
    Efficient representation of chrominance for very low bit rate coding,
    European Conference on Multimedia Applications Services and Techniques, Berlin, Germany, 26-28 May 1998, pp. 87-97,
  5. Jamal K. Abbas, Marek Domański,
    Image denoising using nonlinear two-dimensional filters with prediction error processing,
    XXI National Conference Circuit Theory and Electronic Networks, Poznań, 1998, pp. 431-436,
  6. Maciej Bartkowiak, Marek Domański,
    High Compression of chrominance exploiting its correlation with luminance,
    European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO'98, Rhodos, Greece, 1998, pp. 2321-2324,

National conferences

  1. Adam Łuczak, Sławomir Maćkowiak,
    Uniwersalne oprogramowanie do realizacji koderów wizyjnych,
    Poznańskie Warsztaty Telekomunikacyjne, Poznań, Poland, 1998, pp. 3.5-1 3.5-4,
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  2. Marek Domański, Sławomir Maćkowiak,
    Badania kodeka MPEG-2 standardu telewizji cyfrowej,
    Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 1998, pp. 190-198,
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  3. Jamal K. Abbas,
    Motion-compensated median filters for video restoration,
    Poznańskie Warsztaty Telekomunikacyjne - PWT '98, Poznań, 1998, pp. 3.1/1 - 3.1/4,

Publications 1997

International conferences

  1. Marek Domański, Roger Świerczyński,
    Subband Filters for Image Processing,
    Proceedings of the 1997 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design ECCTD'97, Budapest, 1997, pp. 896-899,
  2. Maciej Bartkowiak, Marek Domański, Peter Gerken,
    Modified H.263 Codec with Improved Color Reproduction,
    4th International Workshop on Systems Signals and Images Processing IWSSIP'97, Poznan, 1997, pp. 9-12,
  3. Maciej Bartkowiak, Marek Domański, Peter Gerken,
    Intraframe compression scheme with better color quality,
    IInd Erlangen Symposium: Advances in Digital Image Communication, Erlangen, 1997, pp. 35-40,

National conferences

  1. Marek Domański, Adam Łuczak, Roger Świerczyński,
    Skalowalne kodowanie sygnałów wizyjnych,
    Poznańskie Warsztaty Telekomunikacyjne PWT'97, Poznań, 1997, pp. III 5-1 - III 5-4,


  1. Roger Świerczyński,
    Efektywne techniki subpasmowego kodowania obrazów,
    PhD Dissertation at Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 1997,
    Supervisor: prof. dr hab. inż. Marek Domański,


Publications 1996

International journals

International conferences

  1. Maciej Bartkowiak, Marek Domański,
    JPEG technique improvement using chrominance vector quantization,
    XIXth National Conference Circuit Theory and Electronic Networks, Krakow-Krynica, 1996, pp. 543-548,
  2. Marek Domański, Roger Świerczyński,
    Efficient 3-D Subband Coding of Colour Video,
    3rd Int. Workshop Signal Image Processing, Manchester, 1996, pp. 277 - 280,
  3. Marek Domański, Roger Świerczyński,
    3-D Subband Coding of Video Using Recursive Filter Banks,
    Signal Processing VIII: Theories and Applications, Trieste, 1996, pp. 1359 - 1362,
  4. Maciej Bartkowiak, Marek Domański, Peter Gerken,
    Chrominance vector quantization for cellular videotelephony,
    First Int. Workshop on Wireless Image/Video Communication, Laughborough, 1996, pp. 57-62,
  5. Maciej Bartkowiak, Marek Domański, Peter Gerken,
    Vector Representation of Chrominance for Very Low Bitrate Coding of Video,
    Eight European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO'96, Trieste, 1996, pp. 1351-1354,

National conferences

  1. Marek Domański, Roger Świerczyński,
    An Image Smoothing Technique Based on Subband Decomposition,
    XIX Krajowa Konferencja Teoria Obwodów i Układy Elektroniczne, Krynica, 1996, pp. II/537-II/542,
  2. Marek Domański,
    Low and Very Low Bitrate Coding of Video,
    XIX Krajowa Konferencja Teoria Obwodów i Uk3ady Elektroniczne, Krynica, 1996, pp. 43-48,
  3. Maciej Bartkowiak, Marek Domański, Krzysztof Moder, Roger Świerczyński,
    Laboratorium dydaktyczne przetwarzania obrazów,
    Poznanskie Warsztaty Telekomunikacyjne '96, Poznan, 1996, pp. 106-111,

Publications 1995

International journals

  1. Marek Domański, Roger Świerczyński,
    Subband coding of color images in the YUV space,
    Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, Vol. 43, No. 3/1995, 1995, pp. 31-337,

International conferences

  1. Marek Domański, Roger Świerczyński,
    Efficient subband coding of color images in the YUV and Lab spaces,
    2nd International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing: Theories Methodology Systems and Applications, Budapest, 1995, pp. 55-59,
  2. Marek Domański, Roger Świerczyński,
    Video 3-D Subband Coding for Low Bit Rate Channels,
    XVIII-th National Conference Circuit Theory and Electronic Networks, Polana Zgorzelisko, Poland, 1995, pp. 467-472,
  3. Maciej Bartkowiak, Marek Domański,
    Color Statistics in image sequences and their implications for VLBC,
    2nd International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing: Theories Methodology Systems and Applications, Budapest, Hungary , 1995, pp. 63-72,
  4. Maciej Bartkowiak, Marek Domański,
    Vector median filters for processing of color images in various color spaces,
    5th IEEE Int. Conference on Image Processing and its Applications, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 1995, pp. 833-836,

National journals

  1. Maciej Bartkowiak,
    Badania eksperymentalne wlasnosci statystycznych kolorowych sekwencji video,
    Raport naukowy PR-87/9/1995/P Instytutu Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji Politechniki Poznanskiej, Poznan, 1995, pp. ?-?,

National conferences

  1. Maciej Bartkowiak, Marek Domański, Andrzej Handkiewicz, Krzysztof Moder, Paweł Śniatała, Roger Świerczyński,
    Komputery w badaniach nad kompresją i filtracją obrazów,
    IInd Komputerowe wspomaganie badań naukowych, Wrocław, 1995, pp. 405-408,
  2. Marek Domański, Roger Świerczyński,
    Subpasmowe kodowanie obrazów,
    11-th Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, Bydgoszcz, 1995, pp. 462-470,

Publications 1994

International journals

  1. Marek Domański, Roger Świerczyński,
    A comparison of FIR and IIR filter banks in image subband coding applications,
    Journal on Communications, Vol. XLV July-August 1994, Budapest, Hungary, July-August 1994, pp. 10-12,
  2. Marek Domański, Roger Świerczyński,
    Subband coding of images: recursive filter bank design and suppression of boundary effects,
    Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Science: Technical Sciences, Vol. 42, No. 2, 1994, pp. 279-287,

International conferences

  1. Marek Domański, Roger Świerczyński,
    Subband coding of colour images in the YUV space,
    XVII-th National Conference Circuit Theory and Electronic Networks, Wrocław - Polanica Zdrój, Poland, 1994, pp. 221-226,
  2. Marek Domański, Roger Świerczyński,
    Subband coding of images using hierarchical quantization,
    Signal Processing VII: Theories and Applications, Edinbourgh, England, 1994, pp. 1218-1221,
  3. Marek Domański, Roger Świerczyński,
    Design of nonlinear-phase filter banks for subband coding of images,
    International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 1994), Texas, USA, November 1994, pp. 893-897 Austin,
  4. Maciej Bartkowiak, Marek Domański,
    Color image archivisation for medical purposes,
    Int. Workshop on Image Processing: Theories Methodology Systems and Applications, Budapest, Hungary, 1994, pp. 66-68,

National conferences

  1. Marek Domański, Roger Świerczyński,
    Analiza korelacyjna obrazów rzeczywistych,
    10 Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, Bydgoszcz, Polska, 1994, pp. 116-124,

Publications 1993

International conferences

  1. Marek Domański, Roger Świerczyński,
    Efficient simultaneous subband coding using recursive filter banks,
    COST Workshop on Intelligent Terminals and Source and Channel Coding, Budapest, Hungary, 1993, pp. 93-101,
  2. Marek Domański, Roger Świerczyński,
    Image subband coding exploiting inter-subband correlation,
    8th Workshop on Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing, Cannes, France, 1993, pp. 176-177,
  3. Marek Domański, Roger Świerczyński,
    Subband coding of images: recursive filter bank design and suppression of boundary effects,
    16th National Conference on Circuit Theory and Electronic Circuits, Kołobrzeg, Polska, 1993, pp. 404-419,

National conferences

  1. Marek Domański, Roger Świerczyński,
    Redukcja danych w obrazach cyfrowych przy pomocy kodowania subpasmowego,
    9-te Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, Bydgoszcz, Polska, 1993, pp. 107-114,